Mohd Farid

Mohd Farid

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Basic Echo Window :Parasternal Long Axis View :RV Outflow

Basic Echo Window :Parasternal Long Axis View :RV Inflow

Basic Echo Window :Parasternal Long Axis View

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Certificate Of Cardiovascular & Thoracic Science Result First Semester


IJN College congratulates the CVTS students for their efforts in semester one. The result of semester one is out and the statistic shows that CVTS students done a good job. Keep up the good work. Details as below.

List name of students who got 3.0 (second class upper) and above

Mohd Farid Mohd Taufik
Cardiovascular Technology (CVT)
Abiramy Chandrasergaran
Peri-Operative Nursing (PON)
Mohd Rabani Rosman
Cardiovascular Technology (CVT)

List name of students who got 2.5 (second class lower) and above

S/N Name of Student Discipline
1 Nik Mohd Hafiz Abdullah Cardiovascular Technology (CVT)
2 Abdul Arif Azri Abd. Rahman Cardiovascular Imaging (CVI)
3 Mohammad Afrizani Afripin Cardiovascular Imaging (CVI)
4 Arama Suranti Mazawati Aliuddin Cardiovascular Technology (CVT)
5 Muszhafar Mustaphadin Cardiovascular Imaging (CVI)
6 Mohd Sofian Abdullah Perfusion Technology
7 Yap Mun Yee Peri-Operative Nursing (PON)
8 Dolly Teo Siew Fang Peri-Operative Nursing (PON)
9 Ah Azlan Hasan Cardiovascular Technology (CVT)

Exercise Echocardiogram

What is an Exercise Echocardiogram?

An exercise echocardiogram, also known as a stress echocardiogram, is a test that combines an ultrasound study of the heart with an exercise test. The test allows doctors to learn how the heart functions when it is made to work harder.

The exercise echocardiogram is especially useful in diagnosing coronary artery disease, the presence of blockages in the coronary arteries (the vessels that supply oxygen-rich blood to the heart).

Is the Exercise Echocardiogram Safe?

The exercise test is generally safe. A small amount of risk does exist since exercise stresses the heart. Extremely rare complications include abnormal heart rhythms and a heart attack. Experienced personnel are available to handle any emergency.

What Does It Show?

An echocardiogram works very much like sonar. Ultrasound waves are transmitted into the chest and the reflection of these waves off the various parts of the heart is analyzed by sophisticated equipment.

A transducer, which is a small microphone-like device, is held against the chest. The transducer sends and receives the ultrasound waves. By moving the transducer to various positions on the chest, different structures of the heart may be analyzed.

A computer assembles the reflected ultrasound waves to create an image of the heart. These images appear on a television screen. The images may be recorded on videotape or printed on paper for review by the cardiologist.

To provide a baseline of information, an echocardiogram is first done while the patient is at rest. Then, a second echocardiogram is obtained during or immediately after an exercise test using a treadmill.

The images of the heart at rest and during exercise (under stress) are compared. Normally, all areas of the heart muscle pump more vigorously during exercise. If an area of the heart muscle does not pump, as it should during exercise, this often indicates that it is not receiving a sufficient flow of oxygen-rich blood because of a blocked or narrowed coronary artery.

Although an exercise echocardiogram indicates regions of the heart that may be affected by reduced blood flow through the coronary arteries, it does not provide images of the actual coronary arteries. If blocked or narrowed coronary arteries are suspected, your doctor may recommend additional tests.

Preparing For A Test

  • Do not eat or drink 3 hours prior to the test. This will prevent the possibility of nausea, which may accompany vigorous exercise after eating. If you are diabetic and take medications for diabetes, get special instructions from your doctor.
  • If you are currently taking any heart medications, check with your doctor. You may be asked to stop certain medications a day or two before the test. This can help get more accurate test results.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing that is suitable for exercise. Men usually don't wear a shirt during the test, and women generally wear a bra and a lightweight blouse or a hospital gown. You should also wear comfortable walking shoes or sneakers.
  • Before the test, you will be given an explanation of the test and asked to sign a consent form. Feel free to ask any questions about the procedure.
  • Several areas on your chest and shoulders will be cleansed with alcohol and an abrasive lotion, to prepare the skin for the electrodes. Men may need to have areas of their chest shaved, to ensure that the electrodes stay in place.

What Happens During the Test?

The echocardiogram can be performed in the doctor's office or at the hospital. No special preparation is necessary for this test. If you are scheduled for an exercise echocardiogram, however, you will be given special instructions.

You will be asked to remove clothing above the waist, and put on a hospital gown or a sheet to help keep you warm and comfortable. You will then lie on an examination table.

Electrodes (small sticky patches) and wires will be attached to your chest and shoulders to record your electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG). The ECG shows your heart's electrical activity during the test.

Next, you will lie on your back or on your left side. To improve the quality of the pictures, a colorless gel is applied to the area of the chest where the transducer will be placed.

A technician moves the transducer over the chest, to obtain different views of the heart. He or she may ask you to change positions. You may also be asked to breathe slowly or hold your breath, in order to get a better picture. A thorough examination usually takes from 20 minutes to an hour, depending on the number of views and whether the Doppler echo is used.

What Happens During the Test?

Resting Echocardiogram

You will be asked to lie on a hospital bed or examination table. To improve the quality of the pictures, a colorless gel is applied to the area of the chest where the transducer will be placed.

A technician moves the transducer to various places over the left side of your chest. Pictures of your heart at rest are recorded on videotape.

Exercise Test

The exercise portion of the test can be performed in the doctor's office or at the hospital. A trained technician will place several electrodes (small sticky patches) on your chest and shoulders to allow recording of the ECG during exercise. Wires link the electrodes to an ECG machine. A cuff will be applied to your arm to monitor your blood pressure during the test.

You will be shown how to step onto the treadmill and how to use the support railings to maintain your balance. The treadmill starts slowly, and then the speed and incline are increased gradually.

Your blood pressure will be checked every few minutes, and the ECG will be carefully watched for abnormal changes. You will be instructed to report any symptoms, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, leg fatigue, or dizziness.

The test may end when you become too tired to continue or when you experience significant symptoms. Other times, the test may be stopped when you reach your peak heart rate or when your ECG shows abnormal changes.

After the exercise portion of the test is over, you will be helped to a chair or a bed. Your blood pressure and ECG will be monitored while you recover. The technician will remove the electrodes and cleanse the electrode sites. The test typically takes between 45 minutes to one hour, which includes preparation for the test, the exercise portion, and the recovery period.

After-Exercise Echocardiogram

You will be helped back to the examination table. The technician records a second set of images immediately after you finish exercising.

Doctors then compare the two sets of images (before and after exercise) side by side to see how your heart responds to the stress of exercise.

The Results

Typically, the doctor will review the images at a later time and prepare a report detailing his findings.


What is an Echocardiogram?

An echocardiogram is a test that uses ultrasound waves to examine the heart. Because it is a non-invasive test, it is a safe and painless way to help doctors diagnose a number of abnormalities of the heart.

Is the Echocardiogram Safe?

The echocardiogram is very safe. It is a non-invasive procedure using ultrasound waves. There are no known risks from the ultrasound waves.

The echocardiogram is also painless, although you may feel slight discomfort when the transducer is held firmly against the chest.

What Does It Show?

Doctors can see how well your heart functions during exertion by studying what happens during the exercise test.

  • Size and shape of the heart. The images may be used to measure the size of the heart chambers and thickness of the heart muscle.
  • Pumping efficiency of the heart. The images show the efficiency with which the heart pumps blood, as well as whether the heart is pumping at full strength or is weakened. The scans may also show whether the various parts of the heart pump equally.
  • Valve abnormalities. An echocardiogram shows the shape and motion of the heart valves. It can reveal if a heart valve is narrowed or leaking and show how severe the problem is.
  • Other uses. The test may also detect the presence of fluid around the heart; blood clots, or masses inside the heart; and abnormal holes between heart chambers.

Preparing For A Test

  • Do not eat or drink 3 hours prior to the test. This will prevent the possibility of nausea, which may accompany vigorous exercise after eating. If you are diabetic and take medications for diabetes, get special instructions from your doctor.
  • If you are currently taking any heart medications, check with your doctor. You may be asked to stop certain medications a day or two before the test. This can help get more accurate test results.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing that is suitable for exercise. Men usually don't wear a shirt during the test, and women generally wear a bra and a lightweight blouse or a hospital gown. You should also wear comfortable walking shoes or sneakers.
  • Several areas on your chest and shoulders will be cleansed with alcohol and an abrasive lotion, to prepare the skin for the electrodes. Men may need to have areas of their chest shaved, to ensure that the electrodes stay in place.

What Happens During the Test?

The echocardiogram can be performed in the doctor's office or at the hospital. No special preparation is necessary for this test. If you are scheduled for an exercise echocardiogram, however, you will be given special instructions.

You will be asked to remove clothing above the waist, and put on a hospital gown or a sheet to help keep you warm and comfortable. You will then lie on an examination table.

Electrodes (small sticky patches) and wires will be attached to your chest and shoulders to record your electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG). The ECG shows your heart's electrical activity during the test.

Next, you will lie on your back or on your left side. To improve the quality of the pictures, a colorless gel is applied to the area of the chest where the transducer will be placed.

A technician moves the transducer over the chest, to obtain different views of the heart. He or she may ask you to change positions. You may also be asked to breathe slowly or hold your breath, in order to get a better picture. A thorough examination usually takes from 20 minutes to an hour, depending on the number of views and whether the Doppler echo is used.

How Does An Echocardiogram Work?

An echocardiogram works very much like sonar. Ultrasound waves are transmitted into the chest and the reflection of these waves off the various parts of the heart is analyzed by sophisticated equipment.

A transducer, which is a small microphone-like device, is held against the chest. The transducer sends and receives the ultrasound waves. By moving the transducer to various positions on the chest, different structures of the heart may be analyzed.

A computer assembles the reflected ultrasound waves to create an image of the heart. These images appear on a television screen. The images may be recorded on videotape or printed on paper for review by the cardiologist.

An echocardiogram study typically involves three different techniques. The most basic technique, called M-mode echo, produces an image that appears as a tracing than an actual heart. The exact size of the heart chambers may be measured using the M-mode echo technique.

Two-dimensional (2-D) echo shows the actual shape and motion of the different heart structures. This advanced technique provides images that represent "slices" of the heart in motion.

Doppler echo is a third technique that portrays the flow of blood through the heart. The images representing the flow of blood through the heart may be displayed as a series of black-and-white tracings or as color images on the television screen.

During a Doppler echo procedure, you will hear some unusual sounds. These whooshing or pulsating sounds are computer-generated to provide the technologist with audio feedback. They are not the sounds of your heart.

The Benefits

A Major benefit of the echocardiogram is that it gives information about the heart's structures and blood flow without anything other than sound waves entering the body. The information gained from the echocardiogram allows your doctor make an accurate diagnosis and develop a treatment plan that is best for you. The major limitation is that it is often difficult to obtain good quality images from persons who have broad chests, are obese, or are suffering from chronic lung disease.

The Results

Typically, the doctor will review the images at a later time and prepare a report detailing his findings.

Exercise Stress Test

What is an Exercise ECG?

An ECG, or electrocardiogram, is a graphic representation of the electrical activity of the heart muscle as it contracts and relaxes. When the ECG is obtained on a heart that is working harder due to exercise or medication-induced stress, the test is called an exercise ECG, or "stress test." This test is useful in detecting problems that may not be apparent while the heart is at rest.

Is the Exercise ECG Safe?

The exercise test is generally safe. A small amount of risk does exist since exercise stresses the heart. Extremely rare complications include abnormal heart rhythms and a heart attack. Experienced personnel are available to handle any emergency.

What Does It Show?

Doctors can see how well your heart functions during exertion by studying what happens during the exercise test.

  • How long were you able to exercise? Generally, people with a healthy heart and in good physical condition are able to exercise longer?
  • Did you have significant symptoms? It is normal to feel tired and short of breath during strenuous exercise. However, if you develop chest pain or become extremely short of breath, this may indicate a heart problem.
  • What happened to your heart rate and blood pressure? The heart rate and blood pressure normally rise during exercise. An abnormal heart rate (too fast, too slow) or a fall in blood pressure may indicate heart disease.
  • What did the ECG show? Certain changes in the ECG tracing may indicate that the heart muscle is not getting enough oxygen-rich blood. Sometimes, the ECG during exercise shows arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms).

The exercise test is especially useful in diagnosing blockages in the coronary arteries. When the coronary arteries are blocked or narrowed, the heart muscle may not be getting enough oxygen during exercise. This often results in symptoms of angina (chest pain) and abnormal changes on the ECG.

Preparing For A Test

  • Do not eat or drink 3 hours prior to the test. This will prevent the possibility of nausea, which may accompany vigorous exercise after eating. If you are diabetic and take medications for diabetes, get special instructions from your doctor.
  • If you are currently taking any heart medications, check with your doctor. You may be asked to stop certain medications a day or two before the test. This can help get more accurate test results.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing that is suitable for exercise. Men usually don't wear a shirt during the test, and women generally wear a bra and a lightweight blouse or a hospital gown. You should also wear comfortable walking shoes or sneakers.
  • Before the test, you will be given an explanation of the test and asked to sign a consent form. Feel free to ask any questions about the procedure.
  • Several areas on your chest and shoulders will be cleansed with alcohol and an abrasive lotion, to prepare the skin for the electrodes. Men may need to have areas of their chest shaved, to ensure that the electrodes stay in place.

What Happens During the Test?

The exercise ECG test can be performed in the doctor's office or at the hospital. A trained technician will place several electrodes (small sticky patches) on your chest and shoulders to allow recording of the ECG during exercise. Wires link the electrodes to an ECG machine. A cuff will be applied to your arm to monitor your blood pressure during the test.

You will be shown how to step onto the treadmill and how to use the support railings to maintain your balance. The treadmill starts slowly, and then the speed and incline are increased gradually.

Your blood pressure will be checked every few minutes, and the ECG will be carefully watched for abnormal changes. You will be instructed to report any symptoms, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, leg fatigue, or dizziness.

The test may end when you become too tired to continue or when you experience significant symptoms. Other times, the test may be stopped when you reach your peak heart rate or when your ECG shows abnormal changes.

After the exercise portion of the test is over, you'll be helped to a chair or a bed. Your blood pressure and ECG will be monitored while you recover. The technician will remove the electrodes and cleanse the electrode sites. The test typically takes between 45 minutes to one hour, which includes preparation for the test, the exercise portion, and the recovery period.

The Results

Typically, the doctor will review the images at a later time and prepare a report detailing his findings. We will forward a report to the patient's doctor as well as notify the patient of the results.

Heart Physiology

The heart is the muscular organ of the circulatory system that constantly pumps blood throughout the body. Approximately the size of a clenched fist, the heart is composed of cardiac muscle tissue that is very strong and able to contract and relax rhythmically throughout a person's lifetime.

The heart has four separate compartments or chambers. The upper chamber on each side of the heart, which is called an atrium, receives and collects the blood coming to the heart. The atrium then delivers blood to the powerful lower chamber, called a ventricle, which pumps blood away from the heart through powerful, rhythmic contractions.

The human heart is actually two pumps in one. The right side receives oxygen-poor blood from the various regions of the body and delivers it to the lungs. In the lungs, oxygen is absorbed in the blood. The left side of the heartreceives the oxygen-rich blood from the lungs and delivers it to the rest of the body.


The contraction of the cardiac muscle tissue in the ventricles is called systole. When the ventricles contract, they force the blood from their chambers into the arteries leaving the heart. The left ventricle empties into the aorta and the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery. The increased pressure due to the contraction of the ventricles is called systolic pressure.


The relaxation of the cardiac muscle tissue in the ventricles is called diastole. When the ventricles relax, they make room to accept the blood from the atria. The decreased pressure due to the relaxation of the ventricles is called diastolic pressure.

Electrical Conduction System

The heart is composed primarily of muscle tissue. A network of nerve fibers coordinates the contraction and relaxation of the cardiac muscle tissue to obtain an efficient, wave-like pumping action of the heart.

  1. Sinoatrial node (SA node)
  2. Atrioventricular node (AV node)
  3. Common AV Bundle
  4. Right & Left Bundle Branches

The Sinoatrial Node (often called the SA node or sinus node) serves as the natural pacemaker for the heart. Nestled in the upper area of the right atrium, it sends the electrical impulse that triggers each heartbeat. The impulse spreads through the atria, prompting the cardiac muscle tissue to contract in a coordinated wave-like manner.

The impulse that originates from the sinoatrial node strikes the Atrioventricular node (or AV node) which is situated in the lower portion of the right atrium. The atrioventricular node in turn sends an impulse through the nerve network to the ventricles, initiating the same wave-like contraction of the ventricles.

The electrical network serving the ventricles leaves the atrioventricular node through the Right and Left Bundle Branches. These nerve fibers send impulses that cause the cardiac muscle tissue to contract.

Heart Anatomy

  1. Right Coronary
  2. Left Anterior Descending
  3. Left Circumflex
  4. Superior Vena Cava
  5. Inferior Vena Cava
  6. Aorta
  7. Pulmonary Artery
  8. Pulmonary Vein
  1. Right Atrium
  2. Right Ventricle
  3. Left Atrium
  4. Left Ventricle
  5. Papillary Muscles
  6. Chordae Tendineae
  7. Tricuspid Valve
  8. Mitral Valve
  9. Pulmonary Valve
    Aortic Valve (Not pictured)

Coronary Arteries

Because the heart is composed primarily of cardiac muscle tissue that continuously contracts and relaxes, it must have a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients. The coronary arteries are the network of blood vessels that carry oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to the cardiac muscle tissue.

The blood leaving the left ventricle exits through the aorta, the body’s main artery. Two coronary arteries, referred to as the "left" and "right" coronary arteries, emerge from the beginning of the aorta, near the top of the heart.

The initial segment of the left coronary artery is called the left main coronary. This blood vessel is approximately the width of a soda straw and is less than an inch long. It branches into two slightly smaller arteries: the left anterior descending coronary artery and the left circumflex coronary artery. The left anterior descending coronary artery is embedded in the surface of the front side of the heart. The left circumflex coronary artery circles around the left side of the heart and is embedded in the surface of the back of the heart.

Just like branches on a tree, the coronary arteries branch into progressively smaller vessels. The larger vessels travel along the surface of the heart; however, the smaller branches penetrate the heart muscle. The smallest branches, called capillaries, are so narrow that the red blood cells must travel in single file. In the capillaries, the red blood cells provide oxygen and nutrients to the cardiac muscle tissue and bond with carbon dioxide and other metabolic waste products, taking them away from the heart for disposal through the lungs, kidneys and liver.

When cholesterol plaque accumulates to the point of blocking the flow of blood through a coronary artery, the cardiac muscle tissue fed by the coronary artery beyond the point of the blockage is deprived of oxygen and nutrients. This area of cardiac muscle tissue ceases to function properly. The condition when a coronary artery becomes blocked causing damage to the cardiac muscle tissue it serves is called a myocardial infarction or heart attack.

Superior Vena Cava

The superior vena cava is one of the two main veins bringing de-oxygenated blood from the body to the heart. Veins from the head and upper body feed into the superior vena cava, which empties into the right atrium of the heart.

Inferior Vena Cava

The inferior vena cava is one of the two main veins bringing de-oxygenated blood from the body to the heart. Veins from the legs and lower torso feed into the inferior vena cava, which empties into the right atrium of the heart.


The aorta is the largest single blood vessel in the body. It is approximately the diameter of your thumb. This vessel carries oxygen-rich blood from the left ventricle to the various parts of the body.

Pulmonary Artery

The pulmonary artery is the vessel transporting de-oxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs. A common misconception is that all arteries carry oxygen-rich blood. It is more appropriate to classify arteries as vessels carrying blood away from the heart.

Pulmonary Vein

The pulmonary vein is the vessel transporting oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to the left atrium. A common misconception is that all veins carry de-oxygenated blood. It is more appropriate to classify veins as vessels carrying blood to the heart.

Right Atrium

The right atrium receives de-oxygenated blood from the body through the superior vena cava (head and upper body) and inferior vena cava (legs and lower torso). The sinoatrial node sends an impulse that causes the cardiac muscle tissue of the atrium to contract in a coordinated, wave-like manner. The tricuspid valve, which separates the right atrium from the right ventricle, opens to allow the de-oxygenated blood collected in the right atrium to flow into the right ventricle.

Right Ventricle

The right ventricle receives de-oxygenated blood as the right atrium contracts. The pulmonary valve leading into the pulmonary artery is closed, allowing the ventricle to fill with blood. Once the ventricles are full, they contract. As the right ventricle contracts, the tricuspid valve closes and the pulmonary valve opens. The closure of the tricuspid valve prevents blood from backing into the right atrium and the opening of the pulmonary valve allows the blood to flow into the pulmonary artery toward the lungs.

Left Atrium

The left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lungs through the pulmonary vein. As the contraction triggered by the sinoatrial node progresses through the atria, the blood passes through the mitral valve into the left ventricle.

Left Ventricle

The left ventricle receives oxygenated blood as the left atrium contracts. The blood passes through the mitral valve into the left ventricle. The aortic valve leading into the aorta is closed, allowing the ventricle to fill with blood. Once the ventricles are full, they contract. As the left ventricle contracts, the mitral valve closes and the aortic valve opens. The closure of the mitral valve prevents blood from backing into the left atrium and the opening of the aortic valve allows the blood to flow into the aorta and flow throughout the body.

Papillary Muscles

The papillary muscles attach to the lower portion of the interior wall of the ventricles. They connect to the chordae tendineae, which attach to the tricuspid valve in the right ventricle and the mitral valve in the left ventricle. The contraction of the papillary muscles opens these valves. When the papillary muscles relax, the valves close.

Chordae Tendineae

The chordae tendineae are tendons linking the papillary muscles to the tricuspid valve in the right ventricle and the mitral valve in the left ventricle. As the papillary muscles contract and relax, the chordae tendineae transmit the resulting increase and decrease in tension to the respective valves, causing them to open and close. The chordae tendineae are string-like in appearance and are sometimes referred to as "heart strings."

Tricuspid Valve

The tricuspid valve separates the right atrium from the right ventricle. It opens to allow the de-oxygenated blood collected in the right atrium to flow into the right ventricle. It closes as the right ventricle contracts, preventing blood from returning to the right atrium; thereby, forcing it to exit through the pulmonary valve into the pulmonary artery.

Mitral Valve

The mitral valve separates the left atrium from the left ventricle. It opens to allow the oxygenated blood collected in the left atrium to flow into the left ventricle. It closes as the left ventricle contracts, preventing blood from returning to the left atrium; thereby, forcing it to exit through the aortic valve into the aorta.

Pulmonary Valve

The pulmonary valve separates the right ventricle from the pulmonary artery. As the ventricles contract, it opens to allow the de-oxygenated blood collected in the right ventricle to flow to the lungs. It closes as the ventricles relax, preventing blood from returning to the heart.

Aortic Valve

The aortic valve separates the left ventricle from the aorta. As the ventricles contract, it opens to allow the oxygenated blood collected in the left ventricle to flow throughout the body. It closes as the ventricles relax, preventing blood from returning to the heart.

Cardiovascular Technologist : Preview

Cardiovascular technologists and technicians assist physicians in diagnosing and treating cardiac (heart) and peripheral vascular (blood vessel) ailments.

Cardiovascular technologists and technicians schedule appointments, review physicians' interpretations and patient files, and monitor patients' heart rates. They also operate and care for testing equipment, explain test procedures, and compare findings to a standard to identify problems. Other day-to-day activities vary significantly between specialties.

Technologists may specialize in different areas of practice: invasive cardiology, non-invasive which includes echocardiography or vascular technology. Technicians specialize in electrocardiograms and stress testing.

Invasive cardiology. Cardiovascular technologists specializing in invasive procedures are called cardiology technologists. They assist physicians with cardiac catheterization procedures in which a small tube, or catheter, is threaded through a patient's artery from a spot on the patient's groin to the heart. The procedure can determine whether a blockage exists in the blood vessels that supply the heart muscle or help to diagnose other problems. Some of these procedures may involve balloon angioplasty, which can be used to treat blockages of blood vessels or heart valves without the need for heart surgery. Cardiology technologists assist physicians as they insert a catheter with a balloon on the end to the point of the obstruction. Catheters are also used in electrophysiology tests, which help locate the specific areas of heart tissue that give rise to the abnormal electrical impulses that cause arrhythmias.

Technologists prepare patients for cardiac catheterization by first positioning them on an examining table and then shaving, cleaning, and administering anesthesia to the top of their leg near the groin. During the procedures, they monitor patients' blood pressure and heart rate with EKG equipment and notify the physician if something appears to be wrong. Some cardiology technologists also prepare and monitor patients during open-heart surgery and during the insertion of pacemakers and stents that open up blockages in arteries to the heart and major blood vessels.

Noninvasive technology. Technologists who specialize in echocardiography or vascular technology perform noninvasive tests. Tests are called “noninvasive” if they do not require the insertion of probes or other instruments into the patient's body. For example, procedures such as Doppler ultrasound transmit high-frequency sound waves into areas of the patient's body and then processes reflected echoes of the sound waves to form an image. Technologists view the ultrasound image on a screen and may record the image on videotape or photograph it for interpretation and diagnosis by a physician.

Echocardiographers. Technologists who use ultrasound to examine the heart chambers, valves, and vessels are referred to as cardiac sonographers, or echocardiographers. They use ultrasound instrumentation to create images called echocardiograms. An echocardiogram may be performed while the patient is either resting or physically active. Technologists may administer medication to physically active patients to assess their heart function. Cardiac sonographers also may assist physicians who perform other procedures.

Vascular technologists. Technologists who assist physicians in the diagnosis of disorders affecting the circulation are known as vascular technologists or vascular sonographers. Vascular technologists complete patients' medical history, evaluate pulses and assess blood flow in arteries and veins by listening to the vascular flow sounds for abnormalities, and assure the appropriate vascular test has been ordered. Then they perform a noninvasive procedure using ultrasound instruments to record vascular information such as vascular blood flow, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, cerebral circulation, peripheral circulation, and abdominal circulation. Many of these tests are performed during or immediately after surgery. Vascular technologists then provide a summary of findings to the physician to aid in patient diagnosis and management.

Cardiographic technicians. Technicians who specialize in electrocardiography, or EKG, stress testing, and perform Holter monitor procedures are known as cardiographic or electrocardiograph (or EKG) technicians.

Technicians take EKGs, which trace electrical impulses transmitted by the heart, attach electrodes to the patient's chest, arms, and legs, and then manipulate switches on an EKG machine to obtain a reading. An EKG is printed out for interpretation by the physician. This test is done before most kinds of surgery or as part of a routine physical examination.

EKG technicians with advanced training perform Holter monitor and stress testing. For Holter monitoring, technicians place electrodes on the patient's chest and attach a portable EKG monitor to the patient's belt. Following 24 or more hours of normal activity by the patient, the technician removes a tape from the monitor and places it in a scanner. After checking the quality of the recorded impulses on an electronic screen, the technician usually prints the information from the tape for analysis by a physician. Physicians use the output from the scanner to diagnose heart ailments, such as heart rhythm abnormalities or problems with pacemakers.

For a treadmill stress test, EKG technicians document the patient's medical history, explain the procedure, connect the patient to an EKG monitor, and obtain a baseline reading and resting blood pressure. Next, they monitor the heart's performance while the patient is walking on a treadmill, gradually increasing the treadmill's speed to observe the effect of increased exertion. Like vascular technologists and cardiac sonographers, cardiographic technicians who perform EKGs, Holter monitoring, and stress tests are known as “noninvasive” technicians.

Work environment. Cardiovascular technologists and technicians spend a lot of time walking and standing. Heavy lifting may be involved to move equipment or transfer patients. Those who work in catheterization laboratories may face stressful working conditions because they are in close contact with patients with serious heart ailments. For example, some patients may encounter complications that have life-or-death implications.

Some cardiovascular technologists and technicians may have the potential for radiation exposure. However, exposure is kept to a minimum by strict adherence to radiation safety guidelines, such as wearing heavy protective aprons while conducting certain procedures. In addition, those who use sonography can be at an increased risk for musculoskeletal disorders such as carpel tunnel syndrome, neck and back strain, and eye strain. However, greater use of ergonomic equipment and an increasing awareness will continue to minimize such risks.

Technologists and technicians generally work a 5-day, 40-hour week that may include weekends. Those in catheterization laboratories tend to work longer hours and may work evenings. They also may be on call during the night and on weekends.